you're pregnant?(1)

From the day he called little Xin little white, little Xin Xin had decided to hate him.

even though he would bring her chicken legs every time they met, she still hated it when he called her little white.

however, this name had been stuck to her since she was young. she couldn't get rid of it even if she wanted to, just like ye mu yun.

after a long time, she got used to it.

however, he was the only one who called her that. no one else knew that she was called xiao bai.

when the photos were almost done, tang yu and pei qiqi carried little xinxin away. ye liangqiu lowered her head and looked at qin anlan, who was acting like a loyal dog. she said thoughtfully, " anlan, don't you think mu yun's feelings for little xinxin are too deep? "

"Did I?" Qin Anlan tidied up his wife's wedding dress and got up with a smile. didn't you hear Tang Yu say that there are a few guys who like to be small-minded? "