You're pregnant?(2)

Ye Liangqiu stared at him for a long time, then moved closer to him. Their noses touched, and she murmured in a particularly distant voice, " what do you think? "

Qin Anlan was a little moved because his Liang Qiu rarely seduced him like this.

well, he would just take it that she was seducing him.

he rubbed the tip of his nose against hers, his eyes deep. " about this, we can go home and have a good talk. "

As he spoke, he straightened his body and looked at Xia Mian. His voice was particularly calm."Goodbye, miss Xia." &Nbsp;

he carried xiao mu yun with one hand and held ye liangqiu's hand with the other as they walked towards the door.

Xia Mian stood there for a long time without saying a word or saying goodbye.

after a while, the girl who was doing her internship with her asked cautiously, " "Xia Mian, do you not like President Qin?"

xia mian didn't reply.