you've woken up!(1)

Linda looked at ye Liangqiu with furrowed fingers. President ye, you're so evil.

Ye Liangqiu's reaction was calm. have you forgotten what I used to do? "

linda was stunned, and then she remembered that ye liangqiu was a diva.

she couldn't be compared to a little flower like xia mian. back then, at ye liangqiu's fan meeting, more than ten people fainted, and even one of her fans was unconscious.

she knew the rules of the entertainment industry the best.

"will KING entertainment be troubled?" linda asked worriedly.

Ye Liangqiu sat behind her desk and took a sip of the tonics she had brought from home. She said in a calm voice, " this is not within the scope of King Entertainment's authority.

he looked at linda. " qin anlan is not omnipotent. "

"go and find out what xia mian's been up to recently. what films are there?"

"Okay, boss ye." Linda nodded.

Linda went to make a few calls. She also knew people in King Entertainment.