You've woken up (2)

ye liangqiu lay on her stomach and only opened her eyes after a long time. she looked out the window at the bright sky, then closed her eyes weakly. when she opened them again, she fell into darkness.

there was a commotion all around, and the crowd was filled with people.

The front of the White BMW was almost smashed into pieces. The owner of the car was lying on the steering wheel, motionless.

before the ambulance arrived, the reporters were already there, fighting to report on the accident. soon, they found out that the owner of the car was ye liangqiu from asia tv, based on the license plate.

ye liangqiu wasn't just a high-level executive in asia tv. she was also a legend in the entertainment industry.

The financial and entertainment sections were flooded with news of ye Liangqiu's car accident for two days.