Zhou chongguang, you bastard (2)

qin mu was stunned for a moment, but she cleverly chose to remain silent. she did not accept it, nor did she deny it.

Zhou chongguang's gaze was burning. He felt a little uncomfortable, but he still endured it.

He really didn't have any right now. Other than wishing her well, he couldn't do anything.

He paused for a moment before slowly saying, " Qiqi's face needs a few operations. I'll take full responsibility. I owe her.

He paused for a moment and smiled bitterly. see, Mumu. I'm always hurting your heart. I'm sorry.

Qin MU's throat felt as if it was stuck. She thought of Zhou chongguang and Gu Mei's chaotic married life. There was nothing to blame him for. The best punishment had all been given to him. What else could she say?

"Zhou chongguang, as long as you think it's right, just do it," he said softly.

"Don't let any girl cry for you anymore," she sighed.