zhou chongguang, you bastard (3)

qin mu was stiff the whole time. she was simply at a loss because the most bitter thing in her heart had been drawn out by him.

How could he be like this?

How could this happen?

her fists pounded on his shoulders desperately. her face was covered in tears, and she couldn't control her tears.

"zhou chongguang, how can you treat me like this?" She had never been so fragile before, not even during the divorce, not even when she found out about his choice.

She was crying like a child, but she was afraid of waking little Shui mu up, so her voice was very suppressed.

he could only pat her back and comfort her. " mumu mumu mumu. "

She leaned on his shoulder and bit him hard. She bit so hard that Xuxu was bleeding, but he still endured it and didn't move. His voice was still very gentle as he coaxed her.

he knew that he had gone too far. he should not have told her, but this was just a dream.