Ye Mulin, you actually like me (5)

He entered the office and closed the door.

bai suili ran over and picked little white up, her heart aching, and she shouted, " "No love."

Secretary Gao stepped forward and asked with concern, " "Mrs ye, do you want to go to the secretary's office?"

"no need," Bai suili carried the little jerk and went straight to ye Mulin's office. She twisted the door, and it opened.

She knew he wasn't really angry, so she bent over and went in.

Everyone was secretly paying attention to the movements inside. Sure enough, after a while, they heard lawyer ye's angry roar, " "Bai Xue Li, get out of here."

In any case, no one saw anyone roll out, but the door was closed.

In the calm and imposing office, Bai suili's back was against the door, and she was holding a little jerk in her hand with her head hanging down. "i'm really getting lost!"

He glared at her.

she raised her head and suddenly laughed."i know you like me."