ye mulin, you actually like me (6)

ye mulin pressed her down and kissed her for a long time. he kissed her until her hands and feet went soft and she let him do whatever he wanted.

he lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead, his voice a little hoarse."If I say I like you, will you tell me the truth?"

as he said that, he hooked her little chin.

his face was slightly red as he stared at him."then say it again."

his face darkened, but he still said solemnly, " "Bai Sulli, although you're superficial and idle, you're still very cute, Yingluo."

she blinked her eyes, thinking,"this is my husband's confession?"

"you like me being shallow?" she hooked her arms around his neck and asked with a slight smile.

ye mulin lowered his head and kissed her lips. he lowered his voice and said, " I like all of your flaws.

she was furious. " i've decided not to like you anymore. "

he chuckled,'you can even decide on such a thing?'