I just want to make you cry (4)

After ye Mulin was done coaxing the little fellow, he stood up, rubbed his waist, and walked into the master bedroom.

There was no one inside. It was empty.

He frowned, then raised his hand to look at the time. It was already past ten O 'clock, what was Bai Sulli still busy with?

he went to the study and saw her lying there, translating.

"don't get your eyes so close, or you'll get short-sighted." He walked over and pulled her hair.

bai suili raised her head to look at him, then lowered her head and muttered,"he's long past the age of myopia, okay?"

"that's old hua." ye mu lin's face darkened and he lifted her chin. " "Get up."

"you're so annoying!" Bai suili was working and found him annoying, so she subconsciously hit his hand.

Ye Mulin glared at her.

But Bai suili didn't know anything, and he stared at her for a long time.