i just want to make you cry (5)

Her black hair was scattered on the white bed sheet. Her face was buried in the pillow, her hands were clenched into fists and she was biting them. Her shoulders were trembling slightly, and no matter how one looked at her, she looked very pitiful.

ye mulin pulled her hand away and kissed her. his voice was low and hoarse. " i really don't want to. i don't want you to seduce me by crying like this, okay? "

" don't say anymore. " her face was full of tears as she bit her lips."ye mulin, you bastard."

"yes, i'm a bastard! it's not like i don't want you. what's wrong with me being a bastard? Who's going to compensate me for all these years, huh?"

The more he said, the more he wanted to kill her, and Bai suili cried even harder.

Ye Mu Lin let out a breath of relief and coaxed her. if Anan heard you crying like that, what would you say when she asked what happened to mom? would you tell her that you were spanked by dad? "