my man had undergone vasectomy (6)

he even thought of competing to see who could live longer. if hao yun could not live longer than him, he probably still had a chance to reconcile.

even if he ended up with su fuzang, it would be good.

however, he was clear that it was impossible in this life.

Hao Yun was living as she wished, but he was all alone now, so how could he survive?

in fact, so what if he was buried in one place? su fu already had hao yun in his heart, while ye zhenggang had long forgotten about her.

he didn't notice what su fu said, but when he went downstairs, his eyes were a little wet.

The livelier it was, the lonelier it would be. This was the case for a person like ye zhenggang, who had fallen from prosperity, to have nothing in the end. It seemed like he had a family of children and grandchildren, but in fact, he had lost the most important person in his life.

Su Fu, the only woman who had surprised him, had still been lost by him.