my man had undergone vasectomy (7)

She had practically gambled everything she had in exchange for a chance.

in the end, she got together with him as she wished. she knew how much she had been hurt, how many tears she had shed, and how many times her heart had ached. it wasn't that she didn't mind his past, but she couldn't afford to mind it.

in love, whoever fell in love first would be the weaker one and the loser.

the only way to turn the tables was to wait for the other party to fall in love with you.

ye mubai only loved her after they had ye hui. she couldn't bear to argue about the things that happened before the wedding. otherwise, they wouldn't be able to live together.

wen yuan knew exactly what he wanted. he would tighten the policies when he needed to, and let go when he needed to. this was the reason why she was so against lu man joining starlight.

And now, it was proven that her decision was right. Once she entered, things would not be as simple as they were today.