coax her (2)

qin mo's tone was very calm, but he huan could hear the unhappiness in his words. she didn't know if she was overthinking it.

Qin mo didn't say another word and started driving.

he huan hugged yi huan and felt her forehead heat up. she couldn't help but say, " qin mo, how far is the nearest hospital? "

" it's a ten-minute drive. it's not good to go to a hospital that's closer. " Qin Mo's voice was deep in the night.

he huan hummed in acknowledgment and pressed her face against yi huan's. " baby, are you feeling uncomfortable? "

Yi Huan hummed, " I'm dizzy. I want to sleep but I can't. mom, will i die of illness?"

nonsense. She won't. She'll be fine after taking medicine and injections. he huan wasn't very good at coaxing children, so she would do the same thing as her parents did when she was young.