Coaxing her (3)

"Why do the mosquitoes want to eat me?" yi huan was in tears. " it's so small. why does it want to eat me? wahhh! "

Qin mo had no choice but to coax her patiently. This young lady was always so noisy every time she got an injection.

he huan stood at the side and watched the father and daughter. just now, she thought that with qin mo around, she wouldn't be in such a sorry state. however, she suddenly felt that she was a little redundant at this moment.

Just as Qin mo had said, she had not asked about yihuan all these years.

He had asked her if Yi Huan was still her child, other than the fact that she had given birth to Yi Huan from her womb.

he huan's eyes were a little hot. as she looked at yi huan's young face, there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She just watched quietly. After a long time, Qin mo started to cheer up."Let's go,"

He Huan returned to her senses. are you done? "

"it hurts," yi huan said pitifully.