everything's pretty good (1)

she looked out of the car window. she didn't know how long the car had been driving for when she suddenly saw a long line by the side of the road. she muttered, " "What's going on over there?"

"I think it's a writer who is signing. i saw it on my way here. the young writer seemed to have been in a vegetative state before, but he woke up again. what a miracle!" the young man muttered to himself.

He Huan was stunned for a moment. Then, she realized that the person was probably Rong Yue.

Rong Yue stared at her as she chewed on this name in her heart. It seemed to be very far away, but it also seemed very close.

she could remember him leaning against the tree and reading a book quietly, but after a long time, it was a little blurry.

The car drove for another 200 meters or so before she suddenly called for the designated driver. let's find a place to park the car. I want to walk.

the designated driver was taken aback, but he still found a place to stop.