Everything's fine 2

Rong Yue whispered a few words to the staff at the side, and the staff invited he Huan inside to sit. Then, he brought a cup of very green tea over, saying that it was Rong Yue's private collection.

He Huan touched the cup gently and looked at the tea. It was very beautiful.

he huan took a sip. it tasted pretty good.

Since she had nothing to do, she opened the book he gave her.

it was rong yue's new book. he huan read it quietly, and time passed unknowingly.

rong yue came over and sat beside her. he smiled slightly. " "What are you looking at?"

He Huan was stunned for a moment, then she smiled,"your book." It's quite good looking, Yingluo."

Rong Yue closed the book for her. the tea is cold. I'll treat you to a cup of coffee!

he huan could not help but stand up. rong yue smiled warmly."It's been a long time. Don't tell me you don't even have time to have a cup of coffee?"