Guaranteed to cure all diseases 2

Xu Mo held the card, and his heart felt sweet, sour, and bitter.

"kang qiao, sometimes i'm a little jealous that you have a good mother," she said softly after a long time.

"you're a good mother if you give me money." "Our Mrs. Kang is so realistic," he pinched her face.

xu mo looked at him without saying a word, and tears welled up in his eyes. he knew that she was thinking about her family.

xu mo didn't have any relatives before.

He reached out and pulled her into his arms. mom and I will be your family in the future. So what if I let you have mom? she only loves you. I'm jealous of you!

as he spoke, he pinched her small hand. " look, she's already given you her private room. are you still not satisfied? "

"i'm satisfied." xu mo smiled. " let's go out. "

as soon as she went out, she saw that there was an extra person in the house. it was wen yuan.

She was stunned for a moment when another person entered the room. It was ye mu Bai.