Guaranteed to cure all diseases 3

In a café outside the hospital, Wen Yuan had a cup of coffee and looked up."speak."

"say what?" xu mo played dumb as usual.

Wen Yuan glanced at her and said,"about your marriage." Don't tell me you left your handprint on it when you were asleep."

"i'm getting married." Xu Mo's voice was dragged out, and it was obvious that he was stalling for time to consider.

however, wen yuan knew her very well. he pinched her face and did not give her a chance to think. " tell me the truth. did kang qiao use teacher kang's illness as a ruse to hurt yourself? did you soften your heart and register your marriage with him after sleeping with him? "

Xu Mo had been drinking coffee to cover it up, but when he heard this, he spat the coffee directly on Wen Yuan's face.

Then, it became a little messy.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i'll help you wipe it." "i didn't do it on purpose," xu mo apologized profusely.

Wen Yuan glared at her.