he huan, you've turned bad 2

Qin Mo's heart instantly softened. He looked at her for a long time and couldn't help but reach out to caress her face. His voice was hoarse. he Huan, we can talk about this when we get home.

he huan continued to look out of the window and ignored him. she did not slap his fingers away.

qin mo liked her, but he had never felt such tender love for her before. he wanted to be more intimate with her, but the green light turned on. he chuckled and started the car.

in the end, the car stopped outside her apartment. qin mo had been here before but he had never gone up, let alone spend the night there.

he huan held her bag in silence. " "Good night," she said.

she had only moved a little when he caught her arm.

qin mo turned his body and said in a hoarse voice, " "You want to leave just like that?"

She turned her head and stared at him with her small and full lips pursed into a straight line.