He Huan, you've turned bad 3

When they were standing in the elevator together, he still couldn't hold it in and pressed her against the elevator wall for a kiss.

he huan accepted his kiss passively. her fingers clenched and loosened, and the bag in her hand fell to the ground. however, no one was in the mood to care about it. he couldn't help but deepen his kiss, from a gentle peck on the corner of her mouth to a passionate kiss on her.

it was rare for qin mo to not hide his desires like this. the veins on his forehead were almost popping out. his aroused expression was not very good, so he had been restraining himself.

however, he couldn't care about that now. he even wanted to hug her in the elevator.

He kissed her so fiercely that her small body was squeezed between him and the elevator wall. Her bones were hurting from the kiss, and she didn't have time to care that she had already been brought into the vortex by him.