He Huan, you've turned bad (4)

Qin mo chuckled. I don't want to drink water.

he then added,'coward! Why are you so scared? it's not like we haven't done this before."

Even though she said that, she relaxed a little. He Huan immediately jumped away, like a cat who whimpered after its tail was stepped on.

Qin mo smiled happily. go get some water. I'll look around.

He Huan gave him a strange look and then jumped away.

Qin mo looked around. The apartment was very luxurious, but it was also simple. There was nothing extra and it looked like a shopfront. He looked around and did not see anything that belonged to a man. Thus, he was satisfied.

when he came out again, he huan had already poured him a glass of water. she was sitting on the sofa with a remote control in her hand, seemingly watching tv and changing channels.

He was sure that her attention wasn't on the TV, and he found it funny.

Actually, his he Huan was quite cute.