Not allowed to Peek 2

while waiting for the waiter to come over, qin mo took out his phone and did a search on baidu. then, he looked at he huan in surprise.

He Huan felt like her tail had been stepped on by his gaze. She asked fiercely, " "Why are you looking at me like that?"

qin mo laughed evilly and waved the phone in his hand. " it says that you can be a mother after your period. "

He wasn't even 20 years old yet, so he was always curious about this. He looked at her with a passionate gaze. he Huan, can we have a child together? "

"You wish!" He Huan wanted to vomit.

she stood there silently and did not speak to him anymore.

she was very uncomfortable now as blood kept flowing down, so her little face became paler and paler, and later she almost couldn't hold it.

Qin mo noticed her abnormality and immediately carried her up. He called out to her twice, but he Huan still fainted out of embarrassment.
