No peeking (3)

the young qin mo's face darkened and he glared at her for a while, but he didn't say anything in the end.

He Huan also continued to drink her water gloomily, cursing in her heart.

what did it have to do with him whether she could be a mother or not?

He was really too evil.

qin mo sat on the sofa with his long legs and took the menu. then, he looked up at he huan. " "What do you want to eat?"

He Huan was only in her teens and did not have a strong sense of gender. She was wearing a bathrobe and leaning against him. Her body was fragrant and soft, giving off the feeling of a young girl.

qin mo took another look at her and passed the menu to her. " you order. "

there was also a small ordering device. it was quite magical. he huan's fingers were white, tender, and soft.