this is the reason why i supported her (2)

as secretary he spoke, ai mengmeng couldn't help but burst into tears.

she was so bad. she had hurt yi huan time and time again, and yi huan was like a little angel.

"This is also he Huan's idea. She said that she won't pursue the matter any further," Secretary he said in a low voice.

"he huan?" "she doesn't hate me?" ai mengmeng was stunned.

Secretary he paused for a moment and smiled faintly. " i don't think you hate her. you should thank yihuan. "

children were all angels in the human world, and there was only gratitude in their hearts.

secretary he really left this time. after she left, ai mengmeng covered her face and burst into tears.

She really didn't expect things to turn out like this. In her mind, the person who would deal with her in the end would be he Huan, but the person who hurt her was her sister, AI Jia.