This is the reason why I'm supporting her (3)

"I do." "You love to look pretty so much, of course you won't touch it," sister Xiaohong sighed.

it was just that in this industry, sometimes it was so dark that it offended people, little girl.

sister xiaohong didn't say or ask anything more. she helped her settle down in the hotel, which was the last thing she could do. then, she left.

AI Mengmeng sat alone in the hotel room for a while before she took out her phone and called Qin mo. She said in a low voice that she was going to hold a press conference.

qin mo was very cold and said that he would get secretary he to do it.

He did not say anything else.

After AI Mengmeng put down the phone, she burst into tears again. She knew that this was all her fault.

however, she also vaguely knew that aijia wouldn't let her live well, because in aijia's eyes, she had lowly blood flowing in her body and didn't deserve to be red. she didn't deserve to live a life of superiority.