Sweet pampering (1)

Ye xiangnan let go of his joy and looked at her deeply.

yi huan's mouth moved as if she wanted to say something.

"silly girl." Ye xiangnan touched her hair and murmured, " "If you want to wear a little dress, then wear it."

yi huan probably sensed his emotions and shook her head, still looking pitiful.

Ye xiangnan smiled again, but his smile was bitter and helpless.

uncle qin had really given him a difficult problem. he could have ignored it or even given up, but he couldn't give up now.

There was a hint of pain in ye xiangnan's eyes. Qin mo and he Huan could see it, and so could Shen ting. Shen ting could tell that ye xiangnan liked yihuan.

it wasn't as simple as two innocent little kids, it was a man's feelings for a woman.

She was the same as him, Shen ting.

Shen ting's gaze fell on ye xiangnan's face, and ye xiangnan would also look at him in a while.

the two boys 'eyes met, and neither of them backed down. sparks flew.