Sweet pampering (2)

Before he fell asleep, he Huan rested her head on his shoulder. Qin mo lowered his head and asked her gently, " "how does it feel to be a princess, mrs. qin?"

he huan laughed lightly. " it's alright. "

Qin mo smiled and caressed her hair. "Go to sleep. Don't you have an event tomorrow?"

he huan closed his eyes and hummed in agreement.

Tomorrow, there would be a fan meeting at the largest theater chain in B city. The main members of the crew were going to meet the fans. It was a small event that would only last about half an hour, but they had to be alert.

In fact, a movie had to go through many cinemas, but Qin mo had already accepted it because of her poor health. The only one in B city was also a way to repay the fans.

he huan wanted to sleep, but she couldn't bear to. she leaned on qin mo's shoulder and snorted. " “

qin mo, i think i have good taste."

He leaned against the headboard and smiled gently. "Is it me or Rong Yue?"