I'm an old man, huh? 8

Qin mo laughed and pulled her blanket. don't suffocate.

he huan looked at him and did not speak for a long time.

Qin mo laughed. alright, there's nothing embarrassing about this. I'm seven years older than you, right? it's my duty to take care of the baby who's younger than me.

He was clearly a forty-year-old man, and he was speaking very normally, but he Huan felt like he was being carefully protected.

She lifted her small face and looked at Qin mo. After a while, she said in a low voice, " "if i really became a few years old, would you still want me?"

"what do you think?" Qin mo smiled and reached out to caress her forehead. you've been thinking nonsense all day long. Take a rest when you have time.

He Huan grunted in agreement and obediently closed her eyes.