I can take care of you too (1)

At about 9:50, he woke up automatically. On the other hand, the little guy who had been making a fuss about getting up earlier was sleeping like a little pig.

qin mo rubbed the space between his brows and felt his throat hurt. he knew that he must have caught a cold and had a fever.

he took the thermometer and found that it was 39.5 degrees. he had not felt it before.

qin mo shook his head and smiled helplessly. he got up to find some medicine and ate two pills. then, he went to make breakfast for he huan.

She had just been sick, so the breakfast he made was light and delicious.

however, after he did it, he felt even more uncomfortable. he didn't mind it, but he was afraid that his body wasn't good enough to take care of her. therefore, qin mo called auntie lan to come over and take care of her for two days.

after the call ended, he was about to wake he huan up when he saw the little fellow standing at the door of the master bedroom.