It's always been Shen ting who transfused blood to her (2)

However, no matter how gentle he was, she still felt the pain and tears were about to come out.

Yi Huan was really enduring it. She had a low sense of pain to begin with, and now she felt really painful. Moreover, she was afraid of blood.

Shen ting simply placed her foot on his knee. She immediately retracted her foot, but Shen ting caught it. don't move.

"don't move," he said in a gentle and low voice, and then looked at her. observe for a while. If you're still bleeding, I'll take you to the hospital.

yi huan was scared. she was scared every time she bled. she was afraid that she would lose all her blood.

Of course, she was afraid this time, but she didn't know why. Because Shen ting was there, she wasn't so afraid. Even when she went to the hospital, he was there with her.

after that, he placed her feet on the sofa and sat beside her. yi huan leaned her head on his shoulder and placed her feet back on his knees."am i going to die?"