It's always been Shen ting who transfused blood to her (3)

she was afraid that she would not wake up if she fell asleep. every time she transfused blood, she would feel like this. she would fall asleep and not wake up.

Shen ting's voice became even gentler, " "i will always be here to accompany you. Be good, close your eyes."

At this moment, his expression was extremely doting, just like when she was young, coaxing her to sleep every night.

Yi Huan's eyes were a little dazed. Then, she leaned her head gently in his arm like a cute little animal. I can't bear to.

To Shen ting, these four words made him ecstatic.

he knew what she meant, but he restrained himself.

it shouldn't have been so fast, at least not now.

two years. if she didn't change her mind, they would get married immediately.

Perhaps, he was also afraid that she would regret it and leave again.