The Flamboyance And The Arena

After the yellow-haired boy spoke, the teenagers around them laughed.

They were snorting at the fact that a young master like Zhang Shaofeng was actually taking a mild-looking girl like Yun Jian as his master.

"Pfft, shut it! What do you know, Gu Hao? My master is not an average girl!" Zhang Shaofeng waved his hand at Gu Hao and scoffed, all the while siding with Yun Jian.

Gu Hao?

Yun Jian had not said anything. Even when the group of teenagers had mentioned her, she felt that it was unnecessary to reply to such trivial matters. However, when she heard the name Gu Hao, she could not help doing a double-take at the boy with his yellow hair.

Was such a coincidence possible?

Was this Gu Hao Mayor Gu's grandson?