Smooth Entry. She Knows Him

The only battle arena of Longmen City was built here.

The fame of Longmen City's Longtou Mountain owed largely in thanks to the massive battle arena.

When people hiked the Longtou Mountain, they would usually take a short break halfway up their trek and pay the arena a visit. Nonetheless, Longtou Mountain was still captivating with its picturesque scenery of nature.

Yun Jian did not get to see that view as it was now sunset and they were only halfway up the mountain. Despite that, she came across plenty of flowers and weeds on the way.

"Let's go in!" Zhang Shaofeng led the way with a chuckle as it was not his first time here. A boy like him who was exceptionally interested in battles was a frequent spectator at knock-out fights.

When they came to watch, they would usually ask girls to accompany them as well. Their goal was none other than to impress the ladies to highlight their vast knowledge in fighting with a few jargons.