Yun Jian’s Clap Back, A Slap To Xuetang

The teachers who were acting as judges to ensure the correct use of the languages sprang up with a smack on the table. Some of the students might have never heard of the languages rolling off Yun Jian's tongue but the teachers were more experienced. They might not be able to understand certain foreign languages but they knew which language it was.

Needless to say, what came out of Yun Jian's mouth was actual, discernible foreign languages! The girl had even spoken over ten of them! D-di she… Had she been learning them since she was in her mother's womb?

A female teacher at the judging panel stood up in shock holding the table. Her astounded gaze on Yun Jian was obvious to everyone there.

"Ms.—Ms. Lin Dan…" a male teacher called the female teacher when he saw her standing up.

The female teacher addressed as Ms. Lin Dan went to Yun Jian after she got up with big, round, widened eyes as if they could see through everything.