Know How To Climb A Wall? Give Me Your Hand

Ji Xuetang was not well-liked. Due to her arrogance and uppity character, people had a lot to say about her.

What Yun Jian did was pretty much a harsh resounding slap to Ji Xuetang.

It took a lot for some of the students to stop themselves from standing up and shouting hurrah when they saw it.

Listening to the audience's comments about herself, Ji Xuetang paled instantly. Yun Jian merely felt amused.

Ultimately, the judges declared Yun Jian the winner.

Ji Xuetang went down stage with an ashen face, claiming that she was not feeling well, and left before finishing the rest of the competition.

The contestants who met Yun Jian after this could only lament their bad luck. What was it if not bad luck to compete against Yun Jian who knew more than ten foreign languages?