Got Too Much Time On Your Hands? Hurry Up

When Hu Batian went over, Diane, Phantom Flame and Spectral Refiner were still very much engrossed in their card game.

"Game! Yes! I finally won for once! Hahaha, hand it over!" Diane knocked the table and extended a gleeful hand to Phantom Flame and Spectral Refiner.

"Oh sucks, I just won 100 million and you got them all! I refuse to accept this!" Phantom Flame whined.

She then grinned blinking her eyes and turned to Spectral Flame to say joyously, "Luckily I'm not making a loss though! I won 100 million from you just now, haha!"

The three of them were absorbed in their card game and had blatantly ignored Hu Batian. It was not just ignoring him; Hu Batian had gone up to bow respectfully and speak to the trio in a deferential tone but they did not even spare him a glance.

It was as if Hu Batian was just a puff of air that was overlooked entirely!