Off To Help Like They’re Fleeing

Once Yun Jian spoke up, people stared at her with widened eyes, especially Hua Yun, Hu Chaoqun and Hu Batian. The three of them knew about Diane, Phantom Flame and Spectral Refiner's identities—they were the three executive heads of Gu Sha Mercenaries!

Frankly, the three departments the trio led were the symbol of Gu Sha Mercenaries!

Snake.Lizard and Tiger.Leopard seemed to be more respected in the world compared to Diane, Phantom Flame and Spectral Refiner but that was not actually the truth. The reality was that it was only the fame of the trio's status that did not surpass Snake.Lizard and Tiger.Leopard's but they were equally brilliant in the domains they led.

In Gu Sha Mercenaries, the trio were also members of the higher-ups.