You Can’t Go In. Picking the Lock

Zhang Jiangui and his uncle hurried to Yun Jian to stop her with Zhang Jiangui keeping his voice a hushed tone as he warned her. The reason he lowered his volume was because he was afraid that those in the board meeting for Hachi Company would hear them and come out to chase them away.

When it came to that stage, Zhang Jiangui could forget about passing his interview. Interrupting the board meeting would probably cause Zhang Jiangui's uncle who was already Hachi's official employee to get fired as well!

Compared to Zhang Jiangui and his uncle's exaggeration, Ge Xuan squinted but did nothing to stop her sister. He knew that Yun Jian was never someone ordinary; he was aware of it back when she admitted that she was the racer SG and knew Dime And Prime Company's CEO, Alluring Demon.