Cleanse Yourself and Anticipate Your Death

Goodness! Zhang Jiangui, his uncle, and Ge Xuan's other two roommates were stupefied.

Even if it were a professional lock picker, they would check the door lock first and ask about the situation before they try to pick the lock. Why was it like a magic trick when it came to Yun Jian? That she had just opened the door with a thin piece of wire?

"Oh my god, am I living in a movie now?" One of Ge Xuan's other two roommates, the one who looked quiet but was actually wild in character, spoke up in surprise.

All of them were so shocked by Yun Jian's action that they had forgotten about stopping her from opening the meeting room door. It was at the same time that Yun Jian unlocked it and kicked the door open to go in; her movements were swift and crisp, looking nothing like what a teenage girl would actually do.

Before Yun Jian kicked the door—the meeting room.