Big Boss Has Went Berserk For Her Partner

"Little Sister Gu, how are we getting there? If we call a cab they would probably be done fighting already by the time we get there." Lin Shuang was walking very quickly in her heels.

The Big Boss in front of her was walking with light and easy steps, but she was having a hard time catching up to her.

Gu Mang took her keys out of her pocket. Without looking back, she swung the keys around her fingers. "I left my motorcycle here."

When she first came to Ming City, she asked Lu Shangjin to ship her motorcycle over from Changning County. It had been parked here since.

The location where the exchange of goods was taking place was not far from the airport. Lin Shuang had never seen Gu Mang ride the motorcycle like this. It was as if she was ready to lose her life. This craziness was unsettling. All she could hear was the deafening wind.