Whose Arms Did You Say You Would Cripple?

The man saw stars from the kick. Propping himself up with his arms, he shook his head and looked at the black shadow before him with much difficulty.

Seeing that she was approaching him one step at a time, fear could be seen in the man's eyes. Clenching his jaws under the head cover, he tightened his fists and tackled her.

There seemed to be a layer of ice covering Gu Mang's dark eyes. She blocked the man's punch with one hand and grasped his fist viciously. The man's eyes instantly revealed his bewilderment. He tried to escape her grasp to no avail.

Why was this woman so strong?!

Racking his brains quickly, he raised his leg to kick her.

Gu Mang sneered. She tightened her grip around his fist. After twisting his wrist she released him. The man's leg collided with the wall. He bounced back and landed on the ground pathetically.
