Return The Humiliation To Her

When the other two girls noticed that something was not right, they got out of bed with anxious looks.

Meng Jinyang bit her pale lips. "I'll get you another one, okay? Tell me where you got it and I'll buy one."

One of the roommates strode towards Sang Xue quickly and tried to play peacemaker. "Xue, Jinyang didn't do that on purpose. Get her to buy you one and let the matter go."

The other roommate added, "Yeah, just have Jinyang buy you a new one."

Sang Xue scoffed. She picked up the biggest piece off the floor and showed them the picture on it.

She glared at Meng Jinyang and said in an aggressive tone, "It was limited edition! It even has the signature of Bai Yong, the president of the International Law Association on it! Can you afford to buy me a new one?!"

"Well…" The other two girls looked at each other, not knowing what to do.