Eerie! What Happened To Her?

Meng Jinyang faintly heard the sound of breaking jade. She grabbed the hands of the two roommates who were holding her and struggled to open her eyes.

Despite her efforts her roommates brought her out of the dormitory. It was night time. Many people had just returned to their dormitories and there were quite a number of students in the dorm hallway.

When they saw the blood flowing down from the corner of Meng Jinyang's forehead, they were all shocked.

"What happened?" a classmate walked over and asked in concern.

For a moment, everyone in the hallway looked over.

The palm mark on Meng Jinyang's face was very obvious. Clearly, she had been slapped by someone.

The two roommates opened their mouths but they did not know how to explain. One of them bit her lip and said, "Let us take Jinyang to the first-aid room first."

Everyone made way for them immediately. "Sure, hurry."