What is Lu Chengzhou Talking About?

At the hotel.

Gu Mang could not help but stiffen slightly when she read the message on her phone. She soon received another message from Gu Si, stating, [The Lu Military Group as well! Everything belongs to you, sis! Brother Jiang and his team will be bringing the legal documents over for you to sign!]

The calmer Gu Si seemed on the surface, the more shocked he was on the inside.

Gu Mang's grip on her phone tightened slightly.

"What's wrong? What message did Old Madam Lu leave for you?" Lin Shuang raised her eyebrows slightly as she sipped her wine. Since Old Madam Lu told Gu Mang about Lu Chengzhou with her dying breath, she must've figured that she would return to Jijing Island. Did she include an apology and a thank you in her will?

Gu Mang looked up and whispered, "She left all the assets under her name, as well as the Lu Military Group, to me."