The Last Video

Jiang Shenyuan pushed the documents and a pen toward Gu Mang. "Don't worry, since this is Old Madam Lu's will, you just have to accept it. Uncle Lu and Lu Chengzhou are around to keep the other members of the Lu family in line."

Gu Mang drummed her fingers against the sofa's armrests for several seconds before asking, "What did her will state when she was in critical condition a year ago?"

Hearing that, Jiang Shenyuan and the other lawyers exchanged hesitant looks as they contemplated whether or not to tell Gu Mang about it.

"Since it's already void, there's no harm in telling us about it," said Lin Shuang as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Alright," one of the lawyers said. "In Old Madam Lu's old will, the Lu Military Group went to Young Master Lu and the rest of her assets were equally divided among her children. Now, however, all of it goes to you, Ms. Gu."