My Prince Charming Lives Next Door II

Tang Shi's voice was deep and pleasing to the ear. However, this voice that she liked so much now felt like a knife, piercing fiercely into Gu Qingcheng's heart. Her complexion turned as white as chalk. She opened her mouth to speak, but her tone seemed weak, "Tang Shi, what do you mean by that?"

Tang Shi sneered at her when he'd heard this question. Looking at Gu Qingcheng's pale face, he opened his mouth as if he had something to say. In the end, however, his mouth twitched, he pushed away Gu Qingcheng's chin, turned around and left.


As the door slammed shut with a loud BANG, Gu Qingcheng's complexion got even paler. She sat on the bed stupefied. Her head was buzzing with confusion.

"Why would Tang Shi say something like that to her? What had gone wrong between last night and this morning? Why did Tang Shi treat her as if he had turned into a different person after their joyous night?"

As Gu Qingcheng sat, bewildered by all these thoughts, a pleasing ringtone filled the room. Gu Qingcheng recovered a bit and picked up the phone, which was lying nearby. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her father, Gu Zhengnan. Gu Qingcheng paused for a second before she answered the call. Then, before she could say anything, her father's rather serious voice could be heard through the phone, "Qingqing, last night, did you and Shi..."

Though Gu Zhengnan had left half of his sentence unfinished, Gu Qingcheng knew what he wanted to ask her. With downcast eyes, Gu Qingcheng replied softly, "Yeah."

When Gu Zhengnan had received this confirmation, he questioned her further. His tone held a hint of excitement. "Well, did Shi say he would take responsibility? Did he say when he was going to marry you?"

What Tang Shi had said this morning quickly flashed through Gu Qingcheng's mind. She hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

Although the two were now talking on the phone, Gu Zhengnan, who had spent half of his life in business, realized that something wasn't right. "Qingqing, what's wrong?" Gu Zhengnan paused, then asked again, "Or is Shi not going to take responsibility?"

Gu Qingcheng was slightly taken aback by the last thing that Gu Zhengnan had asked. Her father had always hoped that she would marry Tang Shi. But what Tang Shi had implied was that maybe he didn't want to take responsibility. Gu Qingcheng was afraid that she was going to let her father down, so she answered ambiguously, "I don't know."

Gu Zhengnan remained silent for a while. Then he said, "Qingqing, come home now. Maybe if we just wait, Shi will call later to say that he has decided to do the responsible thing."


Waiting... The waiting lasted from morning until night, yet there was no news from Tang Shi. The atmosphere around the Gu family home became more and more heavy and depressed. It wasn't until the third day during breakfast that Gu Zhengnan finally couldn't hold his tongue any longer. He put down his chopsticks while watching Gu Qingcheng, who was eating congee with her head bowed, and asked, "Shi hasn't called or tried to contact you this entire time?"

Gu Qingcheng swallowed the congee that was in her mouth, looked up at her father, and shook her head.

Gu Qingcheng's mother tilted her head to the side, looking toward Gu Zhengnan as she said, "What do we do now? Qingqing and Shi have grown up together. We always thought that if they naturally came together, marriage would follow without saying. But it's obvious now that Shi has no intention of marrying Qingqing since there has been no news from him whatsoever. Well, well, this downgrades and belittles our Qingqing.

Gu Zhengnan thought over what his wife had said for a while and then replied, "Okay. Why don't we give the Tangs a call to test the waters?"