To You, My Beloved

To You, My Beloved

Urban60 Chapters302.3K Views
Author: Ye Fei Ye
Table of Contents

“Honey, I have stomach problems. Time off please!” “Honey, I think I’ve caught the flu bug. Time off please!” “Honey, I’m going to friend’s place today to keep her company. Time off please!” Before they were married, Gu Qingcheng had continuously schemed to push Tang Shi away. Now, after they were married, Gu Qingcheng would come up with excuses to keep Tang Shi away from her at night. However, the reality was that the seemingly flawless excuses that she concocted were always easily resolved by Tang Shi. “Honey, I’m in the Maldives. Take care at home tonight!” Since she could not avoid him, she had decided to run away~~did she have the audacity to give herself a break? Tang Shi thought long and hard before giving his assistant a couple of instructions. At midnight that night, there was a rapping on the hotel door and, through the door, Gu Qingcheng heard Tang Shi’s voice calling softly, “Honey,, open the door.”

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This novel is so fluffy and full of cotton candy, doki doki moments where our ML dotes on our FL in his every waking hour. Oh! What a fairytale story... NOT! Hahahahaha! 😂 Sorry folks, I couldn't help it! 😅 Cruel jokes aside... Most of us are familiar with Ye Fei Ye's common theme within her novels right? It's always the FL being a martyr for her love and the ML giving the FL emotional abuse because of some hidden agenda that can be solved if only they communicate with each other. So yep, it's the same plot with this one too! GASP! Serious question: Who hurt this author??? 😡 This author is so good in giving us a rollercoaster ride and mess with our state of mind (still not over A Billion Stars Can't Amount To You SIGH) so FOR ALL THE BRAVE MASOCHISTS OUT THERE, my only advice is to prepare yourselves to feel a myriad of emotions all over again and may the force be with you! 🖖

4 years ago

Raw title: 致我最爱的你 Status: 933 Chapters (Completed) ................................................................................................................................................

4 years ago

FIRST OF ALL, I haven't read it yet. Lol. SECOND, the synopsis is so catchy and creepy at the same time. Like they were in a pull and push game. But hey, I'm not complaining. I read those kind of books everyday. I'm a sucker for them 😂🤤 THIRD, as to whether or not you should read this, you should try and see for yourself who the author is. Ye Feiyi. THE FREAKING AUTHOR OF BRINGING NATION'S RAP- I mean HUSBAND HOME. 😥 But hey its also the same author who wrote those college sweethearts that made me squirm do much in bed until 5 am in the morning so I'm very confused right now 😂😂 FOURTH, I'll try reading only the beggining and when things go south immediately, I'm off. People like me - who has anxiety and depression issues can't bear another rollercoaster ride AUTHOR-NIMMM Anyways, LET'S BEGIN!

4 years ago

Honestly what I can I say about this book.... don’t waste ur time and coins... the FL is weak woman who loves abuse from this ML with no personality.... literally has nothing going on in life for herself but to please this man...she’s says she’s a so called independent woman 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂jokes:.... got up to chapter 23 should have stopped with he literally dumped her after taking her first time😂😂😂😂😂wasted a good 15 mins of my life I want it back... Webnovels please stop giving us ****ty books we deserve better especially if we buy coins...🤬🤬🤬🤬

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

creating a FL like a ship in the sea. Like no sense of character!!! A woman with no pride because of other people want?! You're just waiting out time. doormat?!

4 years ago

FIRSTLY, this book is the same like same plot, same characters and everything same except for the name,it was even in trail read but wasn't chosen SECONDLY, as most of the reviews had said its like the fl has nothing like self-respect and wishes to be used like a tool for everything THIRDLY, the ml likes the fl but also doesn't likes her. He's like those scumbag boyfriends in other novel who uses fl for their own self and he uses her for the desires FOURTHLY, the parents of fl are like 🤮🤮 the want to trade their daughter for their work or benefit. When the both Leads spent a night together the parents wanted the ml to be responsible when they could just close this topic as taking this a one night stand but of course they want to have a bigger name in society and want to have benefits for their company so they didn't All in all I didn't liked it I read it till ch 23 because I have read it . OK although the story is a bit different from the story I said it was similar to but in conclusion they go the same thing the fl is like this in that novel so yeah

4 years ago

All hail to the Queen of angst and anxiety ,emotionally draining novel,Ms YFY..Cant wait to finished reading this one till the end.My gut is already wrenching in pain with first 60 chapter.I must be one of those who likes to read tortured love affairs.

4 years ago

Personally I didn’t fully enjoy this. I read till chapter 23 and normally with any written book/story I take into account the situation, background, and setting of the book, characters, and events too. Here is what I got: - No matter what, even if the book continues and gets better, ML raped MF and didn’t take into account her situation whatsoever. This is a big red flag even if he is posed as a bad character on purpose. I do believe that his character is arrogant, prideful, and doesn’t even consider the feelings of his coworkers and family members and especially doesn’t consider MF’s situation or feelings. At the very least he could’ve apologized, reached out, or explained why he became so heavily guarded after the night he spent with her. He needs maturity. - MF was too submissive. I took into account the fact that she was raised this way and she felt obligated to fulfill ML’s needs so that her family and herself could rise in status and money. I understood this and her situation but in the end it seems as though she hasn’t matured over the three years abroad. If anything I believe she would’ve at the very least gained a slight but more wisdom and would’ve avoided the situation at hand all together if she knew what was best for her. In the end the Main Characters lack intelligence, understanding, communication, humanity, and maturity. I’m not necessarily saying that this was an awful story but from what I’ve read it needs better character development and needs to consider the reality of certain situations. I did, however, enjoy a decent amount of the book but it had too many red flags for me to continue. If you read this far then dang you have too much time on your hands, but anyways I thank the author for writing this because it was decently well written and had a commonly used plot line but was slightly original so hats off to you author because originality is rare nowadays. Stay safe my dudes and wear your mask ✌️ - Sincerely, the reviewest

4 years ago

synopsis seems interesting I hope this novel is hilarious as The Beautiful Time With You not like Bringing The Nation's Husband Home,I like the writing style of this author so I definitely give it a try😊

4 years ago

Like all Chinese novel this one too has a FL which is powerless useless have no pride no dignity n an M who like to be trampled by ML n then theres our ML who is arrogant jerk has so knowledge still isnt gentleman nor knows what communication is they being so narrow minded n so easily emotionally manipulated 😑i don't even get it they being so easy to manipulate how are they even able to run business 😒n always a villan who has nothing but **** in her brain n not to forget Fl she to got only **** in her head (her fairy tale love story prince charming bla bla bla)n they reject her she is heartbroken n all like girl get a life there are many fishes in the sea still we don't need love to survive we need money food shelter geez 😒y do FL always think about standing by the ML side its even better to think to stand at the top n looking down at people well since they r braindead n only has a fantasy world build in their head so its expected 🙄

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

I stop at chapter 15. FL is just obsess with ML.. dedicated her life to learn his likes and dislikes. She have no self respected and still came running to him even when he treat her like trash! Dropping this book.. can’t stand reading another page

4 years ago

I give this a reviews not because of the story.... But because... The Author is ... YE FEIYE ❤️ 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I'll start reading it because of that 😜😁😁

4 years ago