Get Out of My Sight! II

Gu Qingcheng shuddered violently, and then she recovered her senses. She had no idea what she'd done wrong to make Tang Shi so upset. Looking intently at Tang Shi, she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but, in the end, she decided not to. By this time, she'd gotten to the point where she didn't much care whether she'd ever be allowed to join Sheng Tang. She picked up the clothes that he'd thrown at her and started to put them on.

Gu Qingcheng felt a little disoriented as she was putting her clothes back on. She was having a bit of a struggle trying to zip up her dress, because it had the zipper on the side.

Ever since she'd been a child, she'd never had to be subservient to anyone. Tonight, she had tried her best to be submissive, and, in return, all she'd gotten was him telling her to get lost.

Thinking about what she'd just experienced, Gu Qingcheng felt wronged. Her eyes welled up, and she could feel the tears starting. Not wanting Tang Shi to see her in case her tears suddenly started to flow, she kept her head lowered.

After she'd finished dressing, Gu Qingcheng walked swiftly past Tang Shi, without even giving him a glance, and left the bedroom.

An advertisement was playing on the TV in the suite's living room.

Walking over to the sofa, Gu Qingcheng picked up her bag and left the access card to the suite on the coffee table. She then walked quickly to the door.

When Gu Qingcheng had left the bedroom, she hadn't shut the door behind her.

Tang Shi could see Gu Qingcheng leaving the suite. He watched as she opened the door clumsily and literally ran out. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white, as though he was trying hard to suppress something.

After a long while, Tang Shi stirred. Picking up his bathrobe from the chair beside the bed, he wrapped it carelessly around himself. Standing there, he looked at the messy bed, his eyes blurred as if he was in a trance.

Suddenly, he felt exhausted.

He hadn't felt this exhausted even after having spent three days and nights without sleep, working on company-related matters.

The exhaustion he felt now was the kind of exhaustion that originated from deep inside, accompanied by an intense, heart-wrenching ache.

After Gu Qingcheng had left the Presidential Suite, she headed straight for the resort's public toilet. In spite of her unhappiness, she looked into the mirror and adjusted her hair and clothes. After making sure that she looked elegant and presentable, she retrieved her phone and called reception, asking them to please send a tour buggy to pick her up and take her to the main entrance down the mountain.

She was determined to keep up a good front and make certain that no one would see her in such a sorry state of humiliation and dejection.

She was, after all, the daughter of the wealthy Gu family, and it didn't matter how Tang Shi had treated her or humiliated her earlier. In the public eye, she needed to maintain her image as a cultured, elegant lady.

When the resort employee arrived with the tour buggy, Gu Qingcheng, doing her absolute best to hide her weariness and pain, smiled at the employee and tipped him.

Holding her head high and maintaining her image as a charming beauty, Gu Qingcheng drove her car about ten miles from the resort village before she pulled over to the side of the rode and slumped against her seat.