A Reprieve III

As long as there was a bit of hope left that she could accomplish her goals, she would never give up.

The call was connected. The buzzing of the tone was making Gu Qingcheng increasingly nervous. The phone rang five times. Just when Gu Qingcheng had concluded that no one was going to pick up, the call was answered.

What she heard from the other end was not Tang Shi's voice but hurried footsteps. Then the footsteps stopped, and Tang Shi spoke in a crisp tone, "Hello?"

When she heard his voice, Gu Qingcheng's heart almost stopped. She could feel sweat in the palms of her hands. Taking a deep breath, she spoke up, "CEO Tang, this is Gu Qingcheng."

"Yeah?" Well, he was certainly being economical with his words. All he'd answered was just a crisp word in an arrogant tone.

Knowing that Tang Shi wouldn't continue speaking, Gu Qingcheng gulped, calmed her nerves, and tried to speak in a steady voice, "I've brought over the cooperation agreement that you needed for today's meeting. Could you please have Feng Yiyi come and pick it up from me?"

Two could play this game. Feng Yiyi was not the only one with tricks up her sleeve. She could do it too.

If Feng Yiyi was instructed by Tang Shi to pick up the folder from her, she would naturally not dare to resort to cheap tricks.

"Bring it here yourself," Tang Shi exclaimed, not allowing Gu Qingcheng any room for negotiation. He was thinking to himself, "What did she mean by that? She had brought the cooperation agreement over but couldn't come upstairs? Didn't she want to see him because of what he'd done to her last weekend?"

Despite being separated by the phone, Gu Qingcheng could feel the terrorizing force emanating from Tang Shi's body. Her heart was beating so hard that it was at risk of stopping altogether. What she dreaded most was that when Tang Shi next spoke, he would fire her from Sheng Tang. So, with extreme caution, Gu Qingcheng explained in a conciliatory tone, "Could you perhaps delay the meeting for a few minutes? I've sprained my ankle, and it's going to take me a little longer to get…"

There was dead silence on the other end of the line.

Not knowing what was going through Tang Shi's mind, Gu Qingcheng felt even more uneasy.

Gu Qingcheng deduced from his silence that Tang Shi had agreed to her suggestion. So she had just decided to hang up and limp her way over to deliver the cooperation agreement before going to the doctor's. At that moment, Tang Shi suddenly asked, "Where are you?"

Thinking that he had agreed to send Feng Yiyi over to pick up the document, Gu Qingcheng told him immediately, "About 300 yards east of the club..."

Before Gu Qingcheng could even complete her sentence, the call was abruptly disconnected with a click.

And her words were unceremoniously left stuck in her throat.

Gu Qingcheng sat patiently by the side of the road, waiting for Feng Yiyi to turn up and pick up the cooperation agreement.

However, after waiting for about ten minutes, Gu Qingcheng still hadn't seen Feng Yiyi. Just when she was wondering if she should call again, a snazzy yellow Ferrari suddenly stopped in front of her.