A Reprieve II

Not expecting such a challenge to be thrown at her on a Monday morning, Gu Qingcheng had, before heading out to the office, selected a pretty but appropriate work suit in pastel blue, complemented by a matching pair of high heels.

Gu Qingcheng had been wearing high heels since her early teens so, having had many years of conditioning and practice, she did not feel overly uncomfortable even after walking a long distance.

However, perhaps because she was running too fast and was feeling anxious, one of her heels got caught in the grating of a drain on the road, and Gu Qingcheng instantly felt a wrenching pain from her ankle.

Gu Qingcheng sat down on the side of the road and massaged her ankle. Mindful that she had only five minutes left, she tried her best to endure the pain in her ankle as she took off her shoes. With them in her hand, Gu Qingcheng ignored the curious looks of passers-by and, barefooted, limped as quickly as she could in the direction of the club.

Initially, Gu Qingcheng had been just about able to endure the pain in her ankle, but, soon, because she'd continued to put pressure on the injured ankle, the pain got worse and it made her break out in a sweat. Gu Qingcheng sat down again by the side of the road, unable to stand upright anymore.

Three minutes to go. If she couldn't make it in time, she would have to face up to being called incapable. Also, if Tang Shi had really intended to use this as an excuse to kick her out of Sheng Tang Enterprises, then she feared that her current situation was definitely not to her advantage.

Gritting her teeth, Gu Qingcheng tried once again to stand up, but felt an even more intense wave of searing pain rising from her ankle.

By then, Gu Qingcheng knew for certain that she wouldn't make it in time.

But she couldn't just stand here looking helpless and doing nothing. Not when she had gone through so much to make it into Sheng Tang in the first place. She wasn't going to get kicked out after only a few days.

She had to quickly think of a solution to her current problem before 8:30 a.m.

But what solution could she possibly come up with?

Biting her fingers, Gu Qingcheng pondered her options.

According to Cheng Xieyi, the call had come from Feng Yiyi. Since Feng Yiyi hated her so much, Gu Qingcheng deduced that calling her now to get her to come and pick up the document folder might just give Feng Yiyi another opportunity to set her up and make things worse for her.

And Cheng Xieyi, still in the office, wouldn't be of much help either.

Collecting her thoughts, Gu Qingcheng finally decided that all she could do now was to call Tang Shi.

Although the very thought of his name terrified Gu Qingcheng unexplainably, she knew that if he didn't get the cooperation agreement on time, his business would be badly affected. Feng Yiyi, taking advantage of the close relationship she had with Tang Shi, would take the opportunity to criticize her, adding fuel to the fire. And that might just prompt Tang Shi to fire her on the spot.

Then again, perhaps what Tang Shi had said about kicking her out of Sheng Tang if she could not get the cooperation agreement to him in time for his meeting was just something that Feng Yiyi had made up herself in her call with Cheng Xieyi.

After further thought, Gu Qingcheng made a steely resolution and, keeping her terror under control, she picked up her phone to search for Tang Shi's number and called him.